Workforce Preparation, Personal Development Lifestyle Management Strategies, Training
Workforce Preparation, Personal Development Lifestyle Management Strategies, Training
Regardless of circumstances there is a way to improve an individual, family, and community's quality of life. Educational Consultation Services, LLC, may inform a response to the situations of life on "how" to move forward. The founder brings the sum of her personal, educational, and professional experiences in the higher education and business arenas through workshops and presentations to individuals and small groups on the 'how- to' improve the quality of life. Exercises in personal upliftment are drawn from behavioral sciences lifestyle management strategies and the practical application of Bible references.
People experience constant aggressions against their sense of wellness in life. Often, they search for a way to respond, constructively, without harming themselves, aspirations, and their desire to peacefully get through the day. The Bible, Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth, is applicable for life now and for eternity. While you are living the "now" be informed of the Biblical references that sustain a quality-of-life worthy of your existence. Ephesians 1:21 ... not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
Consultations, presentations, workshops, seminars both in-person and on-line.